Yesterday was the fourth of July--a celebration of our Declaration of Independence where among many other rights we were given was the pursuit of happiness. Some of our Middle Eastern countries are now beginning their revolutions against the tyranny of dictators and seeking the same rights as we enjoy.
So just what is happiness. Happiness is different for a lot of people. Some are happy just to have something to eat and a place to sleep. Others have to have houses with all the amenities, the supposed disappearing middle class. And still others are not happy unless they own big and multiple houses built like castles. A lot of us today would be happy to just have a job!
That is just one phase or example of what makes some people happy. We could list many more. Healthy children. Being loved by someone, having numerous friends, traveling wherever we like, being healthy which is probably foremost as none of the others matter if you are not well. Having a lifework that one enjoys and supports one's family. Certain foods one loves to eat. Losing weight. There are so many things one can think of that make us happy.
So why are so many of us unhappy? Are we getting too greedy? Do we try too hard to keep up with the Joneses? Do we forget to count our blessings instead of the bad things that happen to us? Do we take our measure of health for granted? Have material things taken over what really matters in life? The loss of a loved one. Do we forget that there is a mystery here that we cannot know.
What makes you happy? Little things like someone I know--a cold glass of beer. Being able to get up when you feel like it. Being able to even walk. The feel of the water around your body while swimming in a beautiful lake. A piece of lemon meringe pie. A surprise visit from a friend. A warm Spring rain or a lovely floaty snowfall. A dog who adores you for no reason at all.
Take a minute or two and comment on what makes you happy.
So many Bernie, here's a few...finding an excellent Indian chef had come to my neck of the woods, lemon meringue pie,love of family, the unconditional love of pets,the flight of birds,generosity of spirit,Kermit,clouds,Les Murray's poems, reading Bernie's blog.......x
Summer makes me happy (I'm a teacher). I enjoy every minute of unwinding, creative projects, exercising, and basically getting my engines overhauled for the next school year.
I love hearing crickets at night.
The summer sun, stillness, and wonderfully written words.
Hi Bernie....my first time here..i saw you on a sidebar and saw this post title and had to come by...
i enjoyed my visit here with you today and am happy to follow..it's always nice to make a new friend
Oh, so many things make me happy..my kids and their kids, my Mom, My Hubby, My job (sometimes), and because we've been dealing with electricity issues...electric lights, water and a hot shower! Oh, and my microwave!
I'm happy to be able to have a quiet life and enjoy my family, nature and great recipes.
Gazing at the lake, a good book, a large crowd around my dinner table, a long email from my mom, flowers, moonlight, stars, nothing on my calendar. My husband holding my hand. Walking barefoot. Summertime.
Gosh, Bernie, many of the things you mention in the last paragraph make me happy. Health, love, and basic comforts seem to suffice. Hope you're enjoying summer.
Love makes me happy in all of its many forms. Giving it, receiving it and showing it. I need love not only to be happy but to survive, xo
superbbb mam...thanks to share
I'm happiest when I'm alone and creating something, whether it be writing, sewing, painting ....
Happiness comes from really liking yourself ... if you can do that it will spread to all things.
So many of the little things we take for granted make me happy- health, sunshine, walking, having the ability to be able to support myself, pursuing creative dreams, family & friends. I do feel I'd be a bit happier if I could afford a small home rather than apartment renting, but I try to be happy with that, too... realizing that at least I have a roof over my head! :)
Hope you are having a lovely summer Bernie!
The smile of a little child - at the bus, in the street - this can brighten my day.
You have a wonderful blog, Bernie. Greetings from Hannover, Germany.
Different things make me happy on different days. It can range from a delicious bowl of ice cream with all the toppings, to writing and reading, to taking a walk on a sunny day.
Happiness is great and I'll take all I can get, however, I seek overall peace which will get me through the inevitable tough times.
I just wanted to comment on what an awesome post I think this is! Loved reading it! There are so many things to be happy about! I think its about learning to focus on the good and being thankful for what we do have! You're awesome! Have a wonderful day!
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