We're flying! We're flying! Oh how my heart aches for all you guys that have to face all this snow and sleet and wind as I fly down to the sunny beaches of Texas to bask in the sun! It almost makes me want to stay home because I feel so bad about that. And if you believe that, I have this land down in Florida..........
By the way, I'm riding with these guys!
Really tho, I am feeling so fortunate to be able to get out of this April Christmas weather. Julie tells me it is 90 down there. That can get a mite uncomfortable so I guess I'll be living in the water for 17 days. I s'pose I have to get out sometime or my skin will get more puckery that it already is.
Well, I just had to tell all you people my good fortune. And by the way, this is my 100th post. I started in 2009 in August and I feel that I have made so many new friends. When Bill died, your comments were the ones I cherished and Julie mentioned that she noticed all the wonderful support you gave. Thank you again for that.
So I get to drive Bob's boat. No speeding tickets on the lake! By the way, the one car speeding ticket is off in May and so now I just have the one left. I think it runs another year. That was a three year one. So I have 8 points left. A lot better than the five I was going with. I've been so good driving right at the speed limit.
Got the invite to the Bellin Run today for the one mile walk. Would like to do it just one more year. Like the t-shirts.
Wonder where I will get 100 more topics to write about? Who was it? YaYa, who said she could not imagine anyone having trouble finding something to write about? Well, I do. So here's to another 100. Maybe.
Congrats to you Bernie for 100 posts! Bravo! You do have so much to share and I know you'll have a ton to write about after your fun, warm trip down south. My brother lives in Tomahawk, Wi..and it's cold and snowy there! We don't have the white stuff right now in Ohio, but the rain will wash us away soon..so have some sun and tan for me...don't let your bikini give you a sunburn!
Bernie: Have a great time on your trip. Glad to see another post from you. When you get back home the weather should be beautiful.
Congrats on 100! It's a milestone worth celebrating! I've enjoyed reading along for about a year now and I appreciate the words of wisdom in every post. Wishing you another wonderful 100!
Congratulations on your 100th post and also on your warm weather trip. Think of me while you're soaking in the sunshine at the lake!
Flying to warm/hot Texas sounds perfect, Bernie...since you still have SNOW on the ground! Enjoy Easter with Julie and basking in the sun right along side of her...that is...when you come out of the water.
Dear Bernie, congratulations for your 100th post!
I wish you a happy Easter.
Hugs from Italy
Happy Easter sweet lady, I know you will enjoy being with Julie in the beautiful sun. I'm jealous
>grins< Seriously enjoy your flight and have a wonderful time.
Congrats on your 100th post and have a wonderful Easter in the sun!! Remember not to drink and drive on that boat!! Have a great time!!!!
Big congrats, Bernie, on number 100! I hope you have a great time in the sun and water of Texas and with Julie. Hoping for pictures of you driving the boat at whatever speed you can coax it to.
I just wanted to thank ya for your drop by and sweet comment last week.
Congratulation on your 100 posts! Woohoo!!!
Hope ya'll are havin' the time of your lives on your trip!
God bless and enjoy!!! :o)
Enjoy !!!!!
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