I have discovered that I have chess on my computer. Not good. I get so frustrated and I always lose and I haven't the slightest idea of how to set my men up to get his men and when I think I have got them, they have an ace up their sleeve and plop me and get my queen or my knight or any of my biggies right off the bat. And when they get me so I cannot move without giving one of my biggies away, I get right upset.
I learned the game from my young grandsons years ago. Once in a while then I could even beat them. But, hey, even the world champion can't beat the computer, can he? I don't remember whether he was going to have a match or if he did.
So it is a good diversion for when the weather outside is 10 degrees or so. We have had such a cold winter and it is a hassle to go out. You can get the car warmed up, but then if you want to go shopping or something, you have to get out of the car, right?
I get to the library and the grocery store and the docs and that is about all I attempt. We have had a dusting of snow the last few days but snow is not a problem.
I have been reading some of the blogs lately and note that the people in warmer climes are anticipating Spring already. Gee, I had not even thought about it yet. Here in Wisconsin, Spring is so far off and hard to contemplate.
Of course, we have the Green Bay Packer play-off game to anticipate and that is what keeps this town going. Can you imagine that when it was as cold as 10 degrees the stadium here was sold out. People in this town live for the Packers and so for now, winter is O.K. with them.
And then we have the ice fishermen. For sure, the Bay is covered with ice and all the inland lakes so they are also happy. Not too
many have shacks as well furnished and supplied as shown in the movie Grumpy Old Men. Many are just open to the elements. We also have seen a four-wheeler pulling a kid on skis. It is fascinating to watch. I used to walk out to where they were fishing but not lately.

And of course, we have regular cross country skiers but not so much downhill. Oh there is a little hill nearby they use but mostly people go to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan to all the hills there. We, who have lived in Colorado think they are little hills too. But they have fun on these too.
I'm beginning to sound like Sarah Palin and her Alaska series. I did enjoy seeing Alaska but as a critic wrote, the whole thing was a photo op for Sarah and things tourists might do if they visited Alaska, not the way most Alaskans live. And Sarah really didn't do much without guides, her father and others to help her and even do them.
Hope you all are faring well during this winter season. January is followed by February and then there is March--sometimes Spring shows its head in March.
Ahhh, Spring...a girl can dream! It's cold here too and snowy. But that's Jan. in Ohio. My brother lives in Tomahawk Wi. and it snows a ton there! There is a home and garden show in Cleveland in Feb and sometimes it's fun just to go and see all the flowers, smell real dirt and pretend it's warm outside. So be careful this winter...no falls please...and together we'll dream of spring, flowers, sun, Easter and green grass!
You are in deep stuff, cold stuff.
Here, we have yet to have a first staying snow but I still am ready for spring.
I think I knew how to play chess for about seven days when I was in my mid-teens. Now all I remember is that pawns can move any way they want to and that somebody else can only move diagonally. Is that right?
And yes, you might as well get warm with frustration over the chessboard as freeze ALL the time.
I remember a friend telling me about her Wisconsin cousin coming visiting her in Eastern NYS and exclaiming about "the mountains." They were little HILLS!
And finally. Oh yes. Winter. It does seem as if it'll go on for just ever. Doesn't it...
Enduring our second blast of icy cold from Sarah Palin's Alaska! Wish she would keep it up there and her Russian neighbors. :)
The daffodills I planted in the front were starting to peak their little buds up two weeks ago, but they have retreated again. Smart on their parts.
Stay warm and look forward to the Packer game. We'll be watching here!
Oh Bernie we have had at least 2 feet of snow since Friday and today it is so cold, the wind is brutal today and my car is still buried, Spring will be here in 4 months....yay
Have a good week my dear friend, and stay inside where it is warm and ice free....:-)
Winter doesn't usually get to me until about February. I remember having some birthday parties as a child outside at the end of March. Hope it's warm by then this year, but in 2008 we had the worst snow of the winter in March.
Winter is a cozy time, of staying in. (unless you are an ice fisherman
and I just don't fathom that one...)I am with you on gaming only I like freecell and euchre. I'm sad too when the robot beats me! Competition!
March is the time I start really getting antsy about Spring coming. We get just a hint of good weather for a weekend or so and then another snowfall usually....but it doesn't last long,--and then it finally comes! Ahhhh!
I had never heard of the ice-fishing huts until Grumpy Old Men. Far too cold for me. You're right - a good time to enjoy the games on the computer. Every Blessing
Well, Bernie - spring will not come to me in March! But, since I can't play chess, I'll just have to keep playing in the snow!
Compared to so many, we're having a pretty mild winter. Cold, wet and gray, but nothing to inhibit movement. One of my hyacinths is poking its head out - crazy thing, and the forsythia is thinking about budding. Mostly I try not to think about spring, but feel grateful at least for more daylight.
Thank you for dropping by my FH blog ...You comment was really apreciated. I have been a little remiss on that one ...tend to post more on my family one (shozzy's place) I was useless at chess by the way lol and I too am looking forward to March when the signs of spring burst through the soil. May I say I am always surprized that you are 85 ...you write like some one atleast 3 decades younger ...take care xx
Cold here in Texas. I have had my plants covered for a few days. Note - a few days. I don't miss the cold and grey. I remember coming up to your house in the winter. A dusting of snow and I enthusiastically shoveled and greeted the neighbors. Next day, same thing. By the end of the week, I was thinking how I couldn't imagine doing this for four more months. So snobby me - I guess I can put up with the cold for a few days as come middle of March, I'll be barefoot once again.
Stay warm and always make it to the library and visits with friends.
My son loves chess and has told me he plans to win the world chess championship one day... I had no idea there was such a thing!
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