Some of you have been asking how my new dog, the Artful Dodger, is working out so I thought I thought I would tell you just how wonderful he is.
These have not been easy weeks for us lately. My husband Bill who has had Altzeimer’s for about 9 years has been sick lately and we have had to bring him to the ER three times with no success until this last time. Believe me, one has to have the right doctor to get anywhere.
He was admitted to the hospital and yesterday as I was sitting in my chair listening on the phone for the results of his tests (he was being discharged at the time and transported to the rest home), I heard that he has entered the end stage and has multiple things going on that are not good. I, who never cry, began crying as I listened and Dodger pricked up his ears and came over to my chair and raised himself into a position where he was virtually hugging me with his paws around my neck and pressing his head against mine and licking my face. Now, there’s a dog who is a pal in need. He didn’t need thumbs. I am so thankful for him. I have seen dogs do this in movies as in Lassie but I have never had this experience before
I knew this would be coming, but not so suddenly nor so soon. Because Bill has been so good for so many years, I guess I was lulled into forgetting about this fact. And so it goes.
28 comments: heart aches for you. This is a difficult time and I'm glad you have a pal. Ever-faithful companion...that's what my dogs are too. I ccan't even think of comforting words but just know I'll be on my knees for you today...Hugs!
I'm so sorry to hear that your husband isn't doing well. You are in my thoughts.
Your dog is BEAUTIFUL and I hope he will be a comfort to you during this hard time. Hang in there.
Animals just KNOW when we really need a hug. glad he is there to offer you one. My prayers are with you as you traverse this very difficult time.
Even though we think we're prepared it is still hard to take the deterioration in a loved one's health. I shall pray for you and your husband tonight, and God bless that wonderful animal who has given you his heart.
Saddened to hear that your husband is not doing well. Prayers for you both.
Dodger is beautiful and he will bound to be such a comfort to you. I lost my two year old German Shepherd last week from a seizure, my heart aches that he can't cuddle up to me.
You certainly have a true friend in Dodger
I know how much you hated to hear that, Bernie. It must be very painful to have to acknowledge such news. I hope your son is still there with you and Dodger. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, Bernie.
Know that I really admire you for your intellect, wisdom, humor and strength.
Oh Bernie, I am so sorry. You and your husband are in my prayers, as well as that sweet dog who is loving you.
At the dog park today was a 5 month old golden and she was such a sweetie.
Oh Bernie, thinking of you and so glad you've got your new pal and he's such a good one.Take care......xx
Oh Bernie, I have tears in my eyes reading this post. I am so glad you have such a loving pet with you and I do hope Jim is still there as well. Perhaps the time has come to surround yourself with all the love and support that only your children can provide.
Whatever happens my friend you will handle it as you will think of Bill and what is best for him.
Be gentle with yourself and know that I am keeping you and Bill in my heart and prayers. Big Hugs from Canada......::(
I'm praying for you. This is so hard and I do understand what you are going through. It hurts so much that I'm weeping as I write this. I have been scanning pictures of our dear Mimi. Greg walked in and said, "I have really been missing Mother today."
My babies have been with me ever time I've wept for her. They sense that keen sadness, Bernie.
I'm very glad you got your baby.
God is watching over you all.
Your sweet dog was surely heaven sent Bernie. I hope tomorrow brings some happiness and your husband's health improved and I will be praying for you.
Bernie ~
My heart is breaking for you. Asking the Lord to surround you with HIS love and may you feel His Comfort in these days ahead.
Praying for you!
Sending up prayers for you and your family. Hugs and God Bless.
Bernie, I was expecting a nice dog story and then read about your husband. I hope your dog will bring you some comfort during this difficult time.
It's hard, hard.
I'm so sorry.
Dodger loves you, wants to do all he can to comfort you. What a soul he has.
Thank you for sharing your story because you help the rest of us who may face the same outcomes. The prospect of Alzheimers is so frightening and I look at my MIL as well as my husband and wonder if it's in the cards. Hopefully not. Your dog seems to be acutely tuned in to your needs which is a great blessing. My prayers are with you.
Dodger's sweet gesture brought tears to my eyes. What a loving companion. I'm sorry for these difficulties days and have sent up a prayer for you, your daughter and family.
I'm so sorry for your news, Bernie. You know that my dad died two years ago from alzheimers, and I actually took comfort in the fact that he seemed unaware of that final stage and just slipped away in the blink of an eye. It's good that your son is living with you now, but there's just no one that can comfort you like a companion dog. You don't have to worry about upsetting them with your tears like you would with people around, and can just babble nonsensibly about your grief and fears without feedback or advice! (Hope that makes sense.) I'm sending cyber hugs to you, Bernie, and pats for Dodger.
Oh, Bernie, I'm so sorry. What a gift your Dodger is. I'm glad you have him to help you through this terribly sad time. Love to you.
No, I'm glad you wrote about gives insight into what you are going through and may somehow help you to know that you have support, -people that care somewhere in the world. Life's troubles should be shared. When others see, they stop taking for granted and appreciate more.
On another note, it's neat to know that you know where Wabasha is!!!
dodger is the most beautiful dog, after mine of course, i hope for you and your husband that he doesnt suffer at all. love and prayers from down under
So sorry to read your news about your husband's health. I send my best wishes to you and your husband. It certainly sounds like Dodger is a great comfort to you. x
So very very sorry to hear of your heartache, Bernie. I'm so glad you have Dodger there with you as comfort. Animals are so intuitive - they give of themselves without expecting anything in return. I'll be thinking of you.
so sorry to hear about your husband, bernie and i really hope he can fight through this once again. i'm glad that artful dodger is being a good company for you at this difficult time.
Awww... I could visualize the hug you speak of. I am so glad you have this wonderful puppy near you. Lots of love.
I'm one of those "it's darkest before the dawn, and then the storms hit" kind of person.
I've been mentally calculating how much time I'll have with my husband before one of us goes belly up.
And I've been doing that ALL my life.
No matter how we prepare, it always comes as a total shock.
Your furchild picks up on nuances in the air and feels totally the same as you. It's such a shame we can't communicate and tell them "It's not YOU." They are so tuned into our every emotion.
I'm one of those "it's darkest before the dawn, and then the storms hit" kind of person.
I've been mentally calculating how much time I'll have with my husband before one of us goes belly up.
And I've been doing that ALL my life.
No matter how we prepare, it always comes as a total shock.
Your furchild picks up on nuances in the air and feels totally the same as you. It's such a shame we can't communicate and tell them "It's not YOU." They are so tuned into our every emotion.
You and me both, Dana. I often try to prepare myself to living without my husband one day, and there's nothing wrong with him so far. Thank goodness for the blog world and sharing. I too hope to get a wonderful dog.
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